Sierra Express Filings offers same day California incorporation services to all 4 counters at the Secretary of State’s office in Sacramento.
When you submit an order, using our online order form (“Place Order Now” button below) or one of the other formats, we always provide email confirmation. It will also break-down and describe the fees involved in California incorporation services, confirm your billing information, and remind you of the State’s process for your order. Your confirmation email will also provide an estimate to when you can expect to get your processed documents returned to you.
Since Sierra Express provides our same day courier service via personal delivery to the SOS counter, it is typically much faster than mailing them in to the State’s office for processing. Our courier will personally pick up your completed documents so we can scan and email them to you the same day the State makes them available. We then mail them directly to you on the day that we pick them up using the United States Postal Service (USPS). FedEx is available for an additional shipping fee if you need a tracking number and faster delivery.
You may have multiple companies you want to form at once. When submitting your order, you’re eligible for our Simultaneous Submission Discount* by uploading multiple entities for our same day courier service.
By submitting your order before 12:00 pm, you will ensure we can provide our same day courier service.
Simultaneous Submission Discount only applies to orders submitted at the same time and billable with the same payment method.